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Welcome to GeoDZ


Geo DZ is the profound knowledge ressource for earth sciences on the internet. Currently we offer one thousand articles and explanations of scientific terms. Thanks to all contributors who made this success possible. The aim is to extend this dictionary to several thousand articles.

This encyclopedia covers

  • geology
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  • anything related to the earth...


The encyclopedia and dictionary for geography & geology


Let's get right to some articles:

Behavioural geography - An emphasis upon the psychology underpinning individual spatial behaviour that has emphasized the role of cognitive and decision-making factors that intervene in the relations between a multidimensional environment and human action; cognition in this sense is understood as the active mental process of learning about places (Downs and Stea, 1977). The development of spatial analysis included initially some simple and deterministic assumptions concerning human behaviour. People were assumed to be both rational and optimizers in their actions (see rational choice theory); translated to a spatial surface... Behavioural geography


Peasant-workers - A social category that includes households constituted by persons who are both peasants and wage-workers. Typically peasant-workers appear in the literature as part-time farmers, cottage industrialists, outworkers or simply as day labourers. The distinctiveness of peasant-workers, often classified as either peasants or workers, resides in the fact that they are both, simultaneously and serially. In the face of industrial capitalism, peasant households are invariably drawn into a multiplicity of wage work... Peasant-workers


Frankfurt School - A group of radical scholars associated with the Institute of Social Research founded in Frankfurt, Germany in 1923. Their writings established critical theory as a central moment in the wider currents of 'western Marxism' as it emerged in the wake of the Bolshevik Revolution. The label is misleading, however, since the 'Frankfurt School' was only referred to as such after the parent Institute had been custom made shirt closed by the Nazis in 1933 and its members forced to flee the country. Their exile lasted until 1950, but this was arguably the most intellectually productive period for the group as a whole. It was then that their critique... Frankfurt School

Webpages not related to us: Media54 covers media sciences , Globalscience covers technical terms and Encyclopedia69 covers a broader base of universal terms.




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